How To Survive A Best Friend Breakup

Losing a close friend is never easy, but it's important to remember that life goes on. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and bring positivity into your life. Take the time to focus on yourself and engage in activities that make you happy. It's okay to feel sad, but don't let it consume you. Remember that you are worthy of love and friendship, and that there are plenty of amazing people out there waiting to meet you. For more tips on moving on and finding happiness, check out this helpful resource.

Friendships are one of the most important relationships in our lives. They provide support, laughter, and companionship. However, just like romantic relationships, friendships can also come to an end. And when it's a best friend breakup, it can be just as painful as a romantic breakup. Whether the breakup is due to a falling out, a betrayal, or simply drifting apart, it can leave you feeling lost and heartbroken. But fear not, there are steps you can take to survive and eventually thrive after a best friend breakup.

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Processing Your Emotions

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The first step in surviving a best friend breakup is to process your emotions. Allow yourself to feel sad, angry, and hurt. It's important to acknowledge and accept your feelings rather than trying to suppress them. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed by your emotions and will allow you to move forward in a healthy way.

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Seek Support from Other Friends

During this difficult time, it's important to lean on other friends for support. Reach out to other friends who you trust and feel comfortable talking to. Share your feelings with them and allow them to be there for you. Having a support system in place will make the healing process easier and less lonely.

Reflect on the Relationship

Take some time to reflect on the relationship and what led to the breakup. Consider what went wrong and what you could have done differently. This is not about blaming yourself, but rather about gaining insight and understanding. Reflecting on the relationship will help you make peace with the breakup and learn from the experience.


Practicing self-care is crucial in surviving a best friend breakup. Take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as exercising, reading, or spending time in nature. Make sure to also prioritize your mental health by seeking therapy or counseling if needed.

Set Boundaries

After a best friend breakup, it's important to set boundaries. This may mean unfollowing or unfriending them on social media, avoiding places where you might run into them, and letting mutual friends know that you need some space. Setting boundaries will help you heal and move forward without constantly being reminded of the friendship.

Focus on Yourself

When you're ready, shift your focus onto yourself. Take this time to rediscover who you are outside of the friendship. Reconnect with hobbies and interests that you may have put on hold during the friendship. Set new goals for yourself and work towards achieving them. By focusing on yourself, you'll be able to grow and flourish as an individual.


Lastly, it's important to work towards forgiveness. This doesn't necessarily mean reconciling with your former best friend, but rather letting go of any resentment and anger you may hold towards them. Forgiveness is a powerful tool that will help you release the negative emotions and move on with your life.

In conclusion, surviving a best friend breakup is a challenging process, but with time and self-care, you will be able to heal and move forward. Remember to be patient with yourself and allow yourself to grieve the loss of the friendship. Surround yourself with love and support, and focus on your own personal growth. And most importantly, remember that you are not alone, and you will come out of this stronger and wiser.